Handling criticism
Another of my whiny entry...
I believe myself to be someone to be able to take criticism... but not all kinds of stupid criticism...
If you criticise me, I think u should realli tink through the reasons behind my actions... u may tink they are unreasonable and stupid and idiotic, but to me, everything i do is done for a reason...
When what you say is constructive, and true, then, I will take the criticism and do some soul searching myself... and i have taken criticism and changed myself plenty of times... so i dun tink i m someone who cannot handle such remarks...
But when i see no reason in your criticism, i can tell u that u hav made me real pissed....
This one stupid incident today realli made me pissed...
Someone criticised me for something i dun believe to be my fault... and I interpret tat statement to be an affront to my intelligence...
It all begun when i had to submit sth to someone... and there's a deadline i had to adhere to... and which i feel the deadline to be absolutely unnecessary...
And we juz couldn't agree on the timing to meet cuz of classes... and suddenly, i'm accused of being VERY INEFFICIENT (Tats how i interpreted the msg... i tink anyone wif average intelligence can tell frm the msg...)
Hey, i dun tink itz any fault of mine or the person's... Our timings dun allow us to agree on a time and place... tatz all...
Sure, i could hav submitted it earlier... but is it worthwhile for both of us to come down to school during the holidays juz to submit 2 receipts??????????? How efficient is tat?
I juz can't understand or stand it... when someone accuse me of "keep pushing it back"... hey, who was the one who did not even reply to my msg...
Enough said... I dun tink itz my fault.. u suck... IDIOT